Every year, Scares That Care gives a gift of $10,000 to three individuals: a breast cancer patient, a burn victim, and a sick child. See our recipients below.
Our 2025 Uncle Sid's Kid recipient is Joycelyn Thigpen.
Joycelyn is a 13-year-old girl who loves horses, oldies music, and a good poop joke. She also has a life-limiting rare genetic disorder, Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia, or NKH. NKH is a terminal illness that causes severe neurological issues leading to weak muscle tone, respiratory issues, seizures, and developmental delay. There is currently no cure and only a limited number of treatments that are thought to possibly improve daily life.
Scares That Care is honored to offer $10,000 to the Thigpen family towards Joycelyn's care.
In 2014, Josephine Ziegler was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. After treatment and a double mastectomy, the cancer went into remission. Ten years later, in July of 2024, Josephine started experiencing breathing issues and pain in her rib area. The doctors performed an MRI and discovered that she had lesions on her bone and water around her heart, indicating the return of the cancer coupled with heart failure. They followed up with a full body scan and a bone marrow biopsy, the results of which revealed that Josephine had tumors in her thoracic vertebrae, skull, pelvis and upper neck area. She was subsequently diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.
Scares That Care is honored to offer $10,000 to Ziegler towards her treatment.
Our 2024 Uncle Sid's Kid recipient is Kylie Sainz.
Kylie is a 17-year-old girl who was born with Down Syndrome. In most situations, Kylie was like any other typical teenager. She loved to dance in her room, enjoyed making TikTok’s, being with friends at school and was even a cheerleader.
That all changed in the spring time of her junior year of high school. Kylie was beginning to get sick all the time. After weeks of sickness, Kylie was too weak to go to school. A blood test revealed that Kylie had leukemia.
Kylie's parents were devastated upon hearing the news that their baby will have to endure a long journey on the road to recovery. With many obstacles on her cancer journey. she tries to keep a smile. It hasn’t been easy for her, but she takes it one day at a time.
Scares That Care is proud to offer $10,000 to the Sainz family towards Kylie's treatment.
Christy Aviles is our 2024 Breast Cancer Recipient.
Christy's story:
"I was diagnosed with HER 2+ breast cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes in March 2023. This was a complete surprise to me. I had no breast cancer in my family. It had been three years since my last mammogram, Covid really threw things out of whack and I didn't realize I had gone that long without one. HER 2+ is a very aggressive and fast growing cancer in three years I went from nothing detectable to stage 2 already in my lymph nodes. I began TCHP chemotherapy in April. I did 6 rounds and then had a single mastectomy and lymph node removal. During the surgery my cancer had shrunk but was still there. My oncologist prescribed 16 more rounds of chemotherapy on a different drug called Kadcyla which my insurance company denied. Luckily my oncologist worked extremely hard to get the drug covered by the company that made it. It was a terrifying experience to think that my life was in the hands of my insurance company. That I had the right treatments available and the best care but they could say no to this life saving treatment. I have had 3 rounds of the Kadcyla so far with 13 more to go. I receive the infusions every three weeks. I have just finished 30 rounds of Radiation. This treatment was everyday Monday through Friday and 50 miles away in each direction. I had a a rough time with the exhaustion and even developed a skin infection. I'm very glad to have rung the bell and have radiation behind me. In approximately 6 months I will undergo the first part of my reconstruction."
Scares That Care is proud to offer Christy Aviles $10,000 towards her treatment.
Meet Jack Roberts, our 2024 burn survivor recipient for “Scares That Care.
On March 16, one-year-old Jack Roberts pulled the cord on a clothes steamer, and boiling water poured all over his neck, shoulder, arm, and chest. He was immediately rushed to the hospital in Columbia, South Carolina, where he was given pain medication and then transported to a burn center in Augusta, Georgia. They diagnosed him with second-degree burns and scheduled him for an operation the following morning. He underwent a surgical debridement to remove damaged tissue and was administered an allograft, a combination of cadaver skin and stem cells.
To minimize permanent scarring, he needs six daily lotion treatments and massages and has to avoid direct sunlight for up to a year. He will also maintain routine appointments at the burn center in Georgia until completely released from care. Throughout the entire ordeal, Jack has remained strong and never lost his smile.
Although Jack is healing nicely, the bills are starting to come due. Scares That Care is proud to offer $10,000 towards Jack's treatment.
Our 2023 Uncle Sid's Kid recipient is Lucius Whatley.
Lucius was taken to the emergency room February 28th, 2023. He was taken by helicopter to Wolfsons Children's Hospital. Lucius spent seven days in the ICU. There, he was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s lymphoma, with a tumor in his chest cavity more than 1/3 the size of his chest. He will be doing 5 rounds of chemo and likely radiation.
Lucius loves video games, skateboarding, animals, is witty and a little sassy, but most of all he’s a kid trying to live a normal life doing normal kid things while trying to battle through both the good days and the bad days.
His family is struggling - physically, emotionally, and financially, and we are giving his family $10,000 towards his care.
Our 2023 Breast Cancer Gift Recipient is Dannielle Williams.
Dannielle Williams was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and Aggressive Breast Cancer on October 11, 2022. She says of her diagnosis, "I felt my whole world crashing in on me and couldn't believe this was happening to me. I've always done regular self-breast exam checks. I was already dealing with Fibromyalgia for the last 21 years."
Dannielle started a Chemotherapy treatment plan for 6 months in November 2022. She finished her chemotherapy treatments and rang the chemo bell on April 4, 2023. She's been in a lot of pain due to neuropathy and pain over her entire body. She's currently doing immunotherapy infusions every three weeks. She had a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery in May, for which she had to take a leave of absence from work.
Dannielle adds, "I have an amazing support system!! My loving husband has been awesome working tiresomely to take care of me. My family and friends have been so supportive throughout this devastating time in my life. I'm making it a point to keep a positive outlook even though sometimes its gets a little challenging. I'm a fighter and I plan on beating this."
Scares That Care is adding to that support system with a gift of $10,000.
Our 2023 Burn Victim Recipient is the Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp.
From their website: "The mission of the Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp Fund is to assist young burn survivors from the Mid-Atlantic region and their families in their adjustment to injury by providing an annual therapeutic residential summer camp and other year-round activities that support their physical, psychological, and social needs."
After catching Covid-19, Jordan Mestres was taking a shower to try and feel better, when he passed out. This caused him to accidentally turn the hot water to a scalding 155 degrees. This caused severe burn injuries. Although he is doing better, there’s still a long way to go. But now he has us. Please welcome Jordan to the Scares That Care family!
In 2019, Ryan was diagnosed with a brain tumor (Diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor, or “DL-GNT.”) Ryan has endured several brain surgeries over the last two years. As a result, re-learning how to eat, walk and other age milestones have become routine. While more surgeries are likely in the future, he is always ready to fight. So are we. Please welcome Ryan to the Scares That Care family!
Our 2022 Breast Cancer gift recipient - Dawn Fugate - was utterly shocked and surprised to find out that she had been nominated by our Board of Directors. She didn’t know of her nomination until our Holiday dinner and dance. Additionally, she was even MORE surprised to find out that instead of waiting until the end of 2022 to receive her check - she received it that very same night! Pictured with her sister Donna Thew, her disease has progressed to the point where her voice box needed to be removed. Still a long way to go, but the help from you has been invaluable!
Tre, the first Uncle Sid's Kid for 2021, was born at 23 weeks premature and wound up spending 252 days in the NICU. He is currently trach/ventilator dependent, and also has a feeding tube. If that’s not enough for this little warrior to go through, he was recently diagnosed with stage 3 liver cancer, and is currently receiving chemotherapy to assist in shrinking the tumor inside his little liver.
Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, which has metastasized to her brain and spinal fluid. She’s on oral chemotherapy and needs all of our love and support.
Our Brest Cancer Warrior for 2021, please welcome Shannon to our family!
Efrain Negron Jr., and his family lost everything in a fire. We are happy and proud to introduce you to Efrain and the entire Negron family, our "I Helped Kane" burn survivor recipient!
As STC continues to grow, so must our mission. 2021 is the first year we set out to help four families in need.
Lewis is the second "Uncle Sid's Kid" for 2021! Lewis, like any other boy, loves to play and have fun.
Unfortunately, what you can’t see is that on the inside, he suffers from Cystic Fibrosis. Commonly referred to as “Sixty-Five Roses” by smaller children because it’s easier to say.
As COVID-19 raged on, we shifted the annual charity weekend online and invited Natalya's Mom to the event to talk about her and Uncle Sid's Kid Natalya's challenges with Brian Keene and Joe Ripple. What she didn't know is her check presentation was ready too!
Sometimes we surprise our sponsored families at their homes. Volunteer Stephanie Weston-Rothfus was able present to travel to Laura's home for this presentation!
A simple request to meet for a family dinner to share updates turns into a check presentation opportunity for Patricia from Volunteer Scott Perry as part of the I Helped Kane program.
While Sid was not a recipient of Scares That Care, he was certainly one of our champions. His faith and generosity in our work, along with being a regular to the Charity Weekend conventions, he donated his time and money to our mission and was a constant delight to his fans.
After his passing, we received permission to use "Uncle Sid's Kid" as the new title for the sick child program.
As David was undergoing treatments for his wounds, Joe, along with Kane Hodder by phone as part of the "I Helped Kane" program, visited to deliver the recipient check to him an his wife. This will go a long way in paying some of the expenses due to the injuries he sustained.
To the surprise of all in attendance of the STC Charity Weekend 6 Costume Contest, including the recipients, the Window family received their check to buy a special vehicle for a very special, happy and energetic little boy!
Christine was invited to be a judge at the STC Charity Weekend 6 costume contest. During the show, she was presented with her check as the attendees cheered on!
Dealing with Neuroblastoma since he was five years old and relapsing five times, Wes was a true example of a Warrior.
We presented the check to him and his family in late 2018 due to the seriousness of his condition.
Wes is no longer with us, but his fighting spirit lives on with all of us.
Sawyer is being treated for Anaplastic Ependymoma. She has had two brain surgeries as a result, and is receiving care at St. Jude. Travel back and forth alone is hard. Sawyer and her family received a check to aid in her recovery, assist with travel for medical visits, and provide some positive things for her.
Burned in a household accident, Brian has been bravely fighting in his recovery since then.
“My name is Hope and I am a Navy Veteran, single mother of two and a Stage IV invasive lobular carcinoma metastatic breast cancer Warrior.
The daily struggle of knowing I have, “Terminal Cancer” is enough of an emotional struggle. I enjoy the good days and smile through the bad days. I find my strength in my family and friends and put my trust in GOD’S hands and stay positive. Appreciating every day that GOD gives me. There’s Always Hope!”
Hope passed into the light on 10/21/2019
“When you have a child with a rare disease, your world turns upside down. It’s a type of culture shock, really. Suddenly, after we found out Jane was sick, we were learning new lingo and navigating a foreign and terrifying world. Just when we thought we might be able to come up for air and reorient our family, the bills started rolling in.
We were being crushed by this new life, and then the Scares that Care family reached out and took the weight for us; lifted it right off our shoulders. Because of the efforts of STC, we have been able to get Jane to Boston TWICE! We can afford the specialty medicine to boost her immune system. And best of all?
We can focus on making memories with Jane and filling her life with as much happiness as possible in the time we have with her.
Thanks and Love! Katie (Jane’s Mom)”
When you are a single mother of two kids, working to make ends meet can be a difficult challenge. Imagine now that you can’t work because of you have been diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer. You’ve undergone a double mastectomy and had your lymph nodes removed. Chemotherapy is the normal course.
You’ve had to sell your car and some of your furniture to keep a roof over your children’s heads. You are basically surviving on charity from friends and family. Yet, friends refer to you as a strong woman, never seen without a smile or kind word. Strength comes in many forms. So does help.
“The impact of Bertrand Castille being selected as one of the recipients of Scares That Care $10,000 gift is THAT IT LIFTED HIS SPIRIT!
After being in a coma for 7 weeks, having numerous skin graft surgeries, being in constant pain and losing his independence, Bert felt he had no reason to smile. However after receiving such an amazing gift, it placed a smile on Bert’s face that we had not seen in almost a year. Additionally, with losing close to 30 pounds, Bert was able to purchase new clothes, necessities for his 2 children, and a car to get him to and from appointments. (Unfortunately, he is still unable to drive at this time due to the inability to use his hands and arms).
Nevertheless words will never, ever be able to express our gratitude for your kindness towards Bert during this very difficult time.”
Sincerely, Helen Fusilier (Bertrand’s Aunt)”
She suffers from SMA – Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type 1. This disease affects the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, taking away the ability to walk, eat, or eventually breathe.
The true nature of our organization is love. Help. Kindness to those in need. One person who typifies these traits, is Heidi Lynn. Heidi has been a supporter of our charity and conventions. You’ve seen her cosplay a wide variety of characters. But one thing she excels at doing, is being brave in the face of her own battle. Having recently undergone a double mastectomy due to breast cancer, and now facing chemo and radiation for her fight against this horrible disease…Heidi could use a little help in her fight. Her jokes, funny faces during treatment, positivity and strength is a mark by which all should be measured. It is our Honor to announce that Heidi Lynn is our breast cancer fighter for 2016. To help someone is important. To have the honor to help one of our own – even better.
While playing one day, his shirt caught fire by accident. Before anyone could get to him, he took off running – which compounded the situation. He received 3rd degree burns to 50% of his body (neck, chin, back, upper arms, right hip and groin area and chest, which was the most severely burned).
“We are first time parents really just trying to do our best. We have got help through the generosity of family, friends, even strangers. All the help is appreciated, but it’s just not enough, unfortunately. So, I am asking that you please consider us for your 2015 Gift Giving recipients. We can definitely use and would immensely appreciate the help! We thank you so much.”
“I have been unable to work since my diagnosis and am relying on friends and family to help me make it. Even now – with a diagnosis of stage 4 – I still remain focused and hopeful and positive. Thank you”
Young Mr. Austin Schilling and his family were the October, 2015 recipient.
Tripp and his family were the 2014 recipients under the newly established, "I Helped Kane" program for those with severe burns. This program was started by Kane Hodder and he asked us to carry it forward.
Madelyn was the 2014 Breast Cancer Fighter recipient and the first to receive after this next expansion of the mission to include Breast Cancer Fighters.
After along and brave fight, Madelyn joined the light in 2021.
Raygan was the 2013 Sick Child recipient.
Draven and his family were the first sponsored Sick Child Recipient from Scares That Care! after we formalized to a 501(c)(3) and started working towards the annual goal to help three families annually.
While Draven is no longer with us, he and the many others we helped afterwards, will always be in our hearts. We are thankful we could be part of all of these journeys.
Corbin came to our attention through a friend of the family. We surprised the family during fund raising event being held in his honor presented them with a donation from the charity.
We presented this donation directly to the Make-A-Wish foundation. This was the last presentation to another organization and the transformation started into what the charity started to become in 2012 and beyond.
We presented this donation directly to the Kennedy Krieger Institute after a 2 year long campaign.
Before the Charity Weekend, $5 Donation Days and so many other events we do today, this was the first major campaign of Scares That Care!